書名: English for Primary Teachers

作者: Mary Slattery and Jane Willis
出版社: Oxford
經銷商: 本書籍在以下通路均有銷售,詳細銷售地點請致電各通路詢問。

English for Primary Teachers is an excellent handbook for those teaching English to children. The book includes a series of activities and communicative practices to help any teacher maintain an enjoyable classroom atmosphere, well balanced by entertaining educational activities that will keep a youthful class enthusiastic about learning English. Like the Teaching Knowledge Test course book, English for Primary Teachers is notably geared towards non-native teachers. While much of this handbook relates well to the topics and methods discussed in the TKT course book, and serves as a more in depth guide with regards to teaching children, it is recommended particularly as a resource to accompany Unit 32 in the TKT course book. This unit focuses primarily on teacher feedback, dealing with the challenges of being encouraging while at times critical. This is of course particularly difficult when it comes to younger students, and it is in this area where English for Primary Learners is most useful to readers of the TKT course book.


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